Carlow Nationalist — What’s planned for your area? | Carlow Nationalist

2022-05-28 13:32:07 By : Mr. daniel du

CARLOW County Council received nine planning applications between 20 and 27 May.

Garreenleen Solar Farm Ltd seeks a ten-year planning permission for a solar farm and associated works at Ballintrane, Ballybrommell, Bendinstown, Clonmacshane, Garreenleen, Graiguealug, Tinnaclash and Templepeter. It comprises a solar farm, which will connect to the national electricity grid on lands with a total area of circa 128 hectares, consisting of solar panels on ground-mounted frames, 18 single-storey electrical inverter/transformer stations, equipment container, underground cabling within the solar farm site and within the N80 and L-3046 public roads to connect solar farm field parcels, security fencing, satellite communications pole, CCTV, access tracks inclusive of nine agricultural bridges. The application also includes minor amendments to a neighbouring solar farm, planning permission to facilitate future grid connection and additional access tracks for the proposed development. These amendments will comprise the removal of 1,837 sq m of solar panels, provision of additional access tracks and focused removal of hedgerows to accommodate same, and the laying of 1,788 metres of 33kV underground cabling for the purpose of the future grid connection. The operational lifespan of the solar farm will be 35 years.

Ballon: Suzanne Jordan & James Kearney wish to construct a one & half storey dwelling and detached garage at Raheenkillane, Ballon.

Ballyellin: Brian Connolly wishes to construct a two-storey dwelling house, single-storey domestic garage and new site entrance at Ballyellin and Tomdarragh, Carlow

Bunclody: Niall Power wishes to construct a storage shed at Kilbranish, Bunclody.

Carlow: Noel and Mary Keating wish to construct a single-storey extension at The Glade, Oakpark Road.

Milford: Brendan Cahill and Darrelle Codd wish to construct a new dwelling house and domestic garage at Fonthill House, Milford.

Tullow: Irish Water wishes to develop a site to the southeast of the Tesco Superstore, Tullow from Mill Street to the Tullow Wastewater Treatment Plant. The work will involve the decommissioning of an existing siphon and the construction of a new combined sewer network to connect eastern and western agglomerations to the proposed pumping station, including a network pumping station to pass flows to Tullow Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Barney O’Toole wishes to retain log cabin style dwelling house at Thomas Traynor Road, Tullow.